As for All Lives to Matter, Black Lives must be reminded Matter too ©

Don’t criticise Black Lives Matter, until you have lived the life of a black person.
Those who dislike positive discrimination, have never understood life without a form of privilege.
How much longer till I can open my eyes to a world where my sisters and brothers can be treated as highly as my other sisters and brothers?
Please say it won’t be much longer…as it’s horrifying how many have been terrorised so far.
No other child, should have to live without a parent due to the skin of their colour.
No other parent, should lose their child by being the wrong shade.
No other loved one, should lose their life partner due to their hair being kinky.
Whatever has happened, whatever is happening and whatever will happen…
Remember all shall not be forgotten.
All shall remain in the sand dunes of time,
History shall never forget your individual and collective actions.
As for all lives to matter, black lives must be reminded matter too.

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